
Showing posts from June, 2024


 24 Hour Unplug Challenge I was unable to attend an event this time around, so chose to use the 24 hour unplug challenge as an event. I made sure to notify my friends and family beforehand that I will be off my devices for 24 hours. This challenge " provides an opportunity to reset and refocus appreciation and gratitude for the lives we have been given "(Becker 24). On Sunday June 6th, I unplugged my devices and took note of my activities and feelings during the day. I had a very productive day and felt like I got a lot of things done. I was able to end the day with two tennis practice sessions, a nap, a fitness session, and some time with my friends. Here is my full log... "In the US, average screen time per day hit  7 hours and 3 minutes "(Backlinko Team 2024). My usual screen time is around 3.5 hours a day, but I know that most people are addicted to their devices and may have trouble staying off their screens. Too much screen time is known to, " raise the l...