Space+Art I enjoyed learning about the strong connection between space and art in this weeks content. I was able to gain a better understanding on how art and space influence one another. " Art can show the beauty, mystery, and awe of space in a way that goes well with scientific data and images. "(Brunswick 2023). I was in awe reading about the KSEVT. “More than just a building, which in itself is a gigantic work of conceptual art. It is a unique institution dedicated to the culturalization of the universe.”( Lechner 2012). The building was built to " initiate and facilitate space culturalization research and development activities"(Museums of the World). The KSEVT artists concentrated on using their creativity to artistically interpret challenging space scientific subjects. This building's artistic figure aids in the comprehension and visualization of abstract scientific concepts. BaPSF at UCLA is a " US national collaborative research facility for fu...