

 24 Hour Unplug Challenge I was unable to attend an event this time around, so chose to use the 24 hour unplug challenge as an event. I made sure to notify my friends and family beforehand that I will be off my devices for 24 hours. This challenge " provides an opportunity to reset and refocus appreciation and gratitude for the lives we have been given "(Becker 24). On Sunday June 6th, I unplugged my devices and took note of my activities and feelings during the day. I had a very productive day and felt like I got a lot of things done. I was able to end the day with two tennis practice sessions, a nap, a fitness session, and some time with my friends. Here is my full log... "In the US, average screen time per day hit  7 hours and 3 minutes "(Backlinko Team 2024). My usual screen time is around 3.5 hours a day, but I know that most people are addicted to their devices and may have trouble staying off their screens. Too much screen time is known to, " raise the l...


 Space+Art I enjoyed learning about the strong connection between space and art in this weeks content.  I was able to gain a better understanding on how art and space influence one another. " Art can show the beauty, mystery, and awe of space in a way that goes well with scientific data and images. "(Brunswick 2023). I was in awe reading about the  KSEVT. “More than just a building, which in itself is a gigantic work of conceptual art. It is a unique institution dedicated to the culturalization of the universe.”( Lechner 2012). The building was built to " initiate and facilitate space culturalization research and development activities"(Museums of the World). The KSEVT artists concentrated on using their creativity to artistically interpret challenging space scientific subjects. This building's artistic figure aids in the comprehension and visualization of abstract scientific concepts.  BaPSF at UCLA is a " US national collaborative research facility for fu...


 Nanotechnology+Art I really enjoyed learning about the connection between nanotechnology and art during this weeks content. " Nanotechnology refers to the branch of science and engineering devoted to designing, producing, and using structures, devices, and systems by manipulating atoms and molecules at nanoscale "(Europa). I found the TED Talk, DNA folding, in detail , by  Paul Rothemund very interesting. The talk covered  how biological processes can be thought of as computational programs as it explores the connection of genetics, computation, and molecular programming. "life involves computation. So this is a computer program. Booted up in a cell, the program would execute, and it could result in this person; or with a small change, it could result in this person"( Rothemund 2008 ). This implies that genetics within organisms react similarly to a computer program. " Genetic code  refers to the instructions contained in a gene that tell a cell how to make a ...


Event 2: Biotech + Art I had the opportunity to attend the online zoom lecture on  Biotech & Art by  Ellen K. Levy on May 8th at 3pm. I found this lecture very interesting and was ab le to learn a lot from it. Biotech is " the use of biology to develop new products, methods and organisms intended to improve human health and society"(Barney 2022). Biotech and art come hand to hand and the fusion of the two have been able to produce advancements in society.    The lecture went over many art pieces, but the one that caught my attention the most was,  Man, Machine, and Motion(1955) , by Richard Hamilton. " The work is  made up of 176 printed black and white photographs on 54 dibond panels in a steel structure "( Aparicio ). This art truly amazed me because of how detailed it was with every section of it.  The piece is meant to demonstrate how artificial constructs have mechanically conquered time and space.  The lecture also covered the topic...


  Neuroscience + Art I really enjoyed learning about the connection between neuroscience and art in this weeks content. I was always really interested in how the brain worked and had interest in majoring in psychology at some point.  Neuroscience is very important to society and " advances understanding of our basic biology and body function"(Shriver). Two materials significantly influenced my understanding: The TED Talk on advanced MRI technology,  "A look inside the brain in real time," by  Christopher deCharms  and the reading, "Planetary Re-Enchantment: Human-Animal Entanglements in Victoria Vesna’s  Octopus Brainstorming"  by Victoria Vesna and Mark S. Cohen. The TED talk spoke on the new advancement in technology that allows MRI to see real-time brain activity in a patient. Brain MRI's are meant to detect" bleeding, swelling, problems with the way the brain developed, tumors, infections, inflammation, damage from an injury or a stroke, or p...


The Getty I chose to write my event on The Getty. I've been wanting to make a trip out since I got to school during my freshman year, but have had issues finding a good time to do it. " The Getty is a beautiful museum right on the other side of the 405.  By bus, you can get there in as little as 10 minutes!"(UCLA Bruin Blog: Hannah). This assignment helped me have an excuse to take the trip to the museum. The museum had 4 sections labeled north, south, east, and west. I was lucky enough to be able to walk around each one and see the different types of art each sector had to offer. Most of the art consisted of portraits of people, still lifes, and landscape art. The museum features "masterpieces by the likes of Van Gogh, Monet, and Cezanne"(Tripadvisor).    Math and art have been very important to the development of one another. "I t's very much the artist and mathematicians learning from  each other "(UC Online 21:47). Artists use many mathematical...


 Week 4 -  Medicine + Technology + Art I really enjoyed learning about the effect that medicine has on technology during this weeks lessons. " The arts help make medical students become more thoughtful and listen carefully to a patient's narrative of his/her symptoms"(Hajar). Art has a strong positive impact on the medical field.  An experience that I have encountered that relates to medical technology is precision medicine, where medical treatment is  personalized for an individuals specific needs. Growing up with severe peanut allergies, I was constantly given allergy skin tests. " During allergy skin tests,  the skin is exposed to suspected allergy-causing substances, called allergens, and then checked for signs of an allergic reaction"(Mayo Clinic Staff). These tests helped specialize what specific allergies I had, so that I could be prescribed a more individualized medication.  It helped show that my peanut allergy had gotten a lot less severe. I was p...